Because this is what she did The next moment. I love all of her cuteness!
Our Year In Photos
Sunday, January 4, 2015
Jan 4th - Day 4
A moment of contemplation. I love how the sunlight catches all of her static strands of hair. I feel lucky to have caught this shot before she noticed the camera....
Jan 3rd - Day 3
These two amaze me every day. I'm so lucky to have Steve and Abby as my family... There is nothing better than the time we spend together!
Jan 2nd - Day 2
Today I had to take the well recognizes glucose test.... I'm 27 weeks along and this pregnancy seems to be going better than my other two. We are all really looking forward to Anna's arrival in a few months.
365 Days
It's been a while since I've tried the photo a day for a year task, but I think 2015 is a good year for it! I've already missed the first day, but no worries.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Jan 6 - Day 6 Abby's First Day of Primary
Abby is officially a Sunbeam in Primary. Such a big girl! She did really well, sitting with her class most of primary. I teach the CTR 7's, which sit right behind Abby's class, so half way through sharing time, she came back and sat on my lap. She did really well in her class today... when I went to pick her up at the end of church, she was playing and talking and her teachers had some nice compliments about her good behavior.
Jan 5th - Day 5 At the Museum
This shot was taken with my iPhone, so not great pic quality. We went with my friend Heather and her kids to the Salt Lake Discovery Gateway Children's Museum. It was a short visit yesterday, but we had a good time. There was a pretty neat Tinker-Toy exhibit - this is Abby fabulous creation!
Jan 4th - Day 4 Hobby Horse
Abby and Megan were so cute pretending that the boys light sabers were hobby horses. They were having a blast running around the play room. Abby tried to put a cowboy hat on Megan, but Megan didn't want anything to do with that. Abby kept saying, "but we can't play with out the hats" It's so funny how kids minds work... I love this age.
Jan 3rd - Day 3 The Hole in the Ceiling
Well... there it is. That's not exactly what it looked like when the water was coming out, but the drywall had to be torn off since it was saturated with water. Today the carpet cleaners arrived at 8 and started pulling in several blowers and humidifiers. Within a few hours, we had blowers going throughout the house. We have not had to move out furniture yet, however we did have to clear out all the boxes from the spare room. Several of them were filled with papers, which we sorted through, drying what was necessary to keep and chucking the rest.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Day 2 - Jan 2nd The Great Flood of 2013
Phew... I left the house around 130 yesterday afternoon and returned around 6, opening the door to a horrendous sound coming from the back of the house. Thinking the water heater or the washer was gushing water (because it sounded like water), I looked in the laundry room first, but that's not where the sound was coming from. I walked further back and discovered water falling from the bathroom ceiling. The sound was the water crashing onto the inch or so of water on the floor below. The hall and back two bedrooms were completely soaked. It was creeping into the living room and looked as though it had barely started in the spare bedroom. I ran upstairs to our landlord and found his oldest son Jose home. He came down and then called his dad... who was 45 mins away, just arriving from San Jose from their Christmas break. I called Steve.. he reminded me to go turn off the water. The picture you see above is Abby's room... and the hole is where the water main is located. It took a few minutes before the water slowed and several hours before it stopped all together. It's going to be an interesting couple of days for sure. We stayed for the night, but tomorrow will have to stay somewhere else for a few days while we move every thing out while things are repaired.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Day 1 - Jan 1st Flowers for the Girls
Today we had all gone to Walmart after we had dinner at the Thai Village. We got into the store and I was heading towards lay away and Steve towards the deli. Abby chose to go with Steve... Daddy's little shadow. When the two of them met up with me back at the photo department/lay away, Abby told me that she picked out some flowers for me. It was so sweet. Abby got some flowers too... the colorful flowers are Abby's.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day 36 - Sweet Sleeping Bliss
The beds in the hotel room are comfortable. Can you tell? Abby looked so adorable, I couldn't resist snapping some shots of her in this sleepy condition. I have to admit. I love staying in hotel rooms. It's fun and it's easy. I could totally be one of those types of person's that lived in one of the suites at the top of a ritzy hotel... if I had the money! I know my mom is with me on this one!

Feb 5th
Feb 5th
Day 35 - Heritage Makers Regionals
I love Regionals! The only thing I love more is Reunion. It's so awesome to get a weekend full of training and this regionals event is no exception. We have a brand new business opportunity and plan designed to get consultants earning more money faster. It's absolutely incredible. This was the only shot I took all day today... one of the slides from one of the presentations.

Feb 4th
Feb 4th
Day 34 - On the way to Oak City
This has got to be one of my most favorite pictures of the year so far... maybe even top 10 of all time personal photos. Abby and I drove to Oak City, UT today to stay with my friend Julie. Julie and I will be heading to Provo tomorrow for Heritage Makers Regionals. Abby did so good on the drive today, other than throwing her paci whenever she was mad. This was one of those pit stops, so I took advantage of it and snapped a shot.
Day 33 - My CM365 Calendar
Once again... I love my business! It's so awesome that I can make memorabilia from my own personal photo blog! I put this together so that I could see a few of my most favorite pictures from each month throughout my day. I used to be fanatical about picking out my new calendar for the year... it seemed so defining. I don't buy calendars any more, I make them... so awesome!
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